What if my business category does not appear?

You can suggest a new category by clicking the link in the footer below called Suggest a Category. We will review the category suggestion. If it is relevant, it will be added. We will grow and change with the market as needed and we appreciate your input.

Why doesn’t Energy Partner Network list my phone number? What if consumers find me and want to contact me?

To reduce spam and unwanted phone calls, we do not reveal phone numbers in the directory. Contacts at organizations change often, so we do not want your potential partners and new contacts to go on a wild goose chase trying to find the right person. Anyone who wants to contact you can use the contact form on your profile. Our members are prescreened with questions and expect to get messages on the platform. You can easily communicate through the platform until a live connection is made.

We encourage members to add energypartnernetwork emails to their safe list so they do not end up in spam and to update their backend contact information frequently so requests go to the right people.

What if I do not want someone to contact me?

Your profile will include a contact form, but your email address will never be displayed publicly. If you receive an email from someone you don’t wish to communicate with further, you can simply block that company. You also can disable the contact us form on your profile completely.

What if I’m not interested in partnerships, but still want visibility on the Energy Partner Network platform?

You can shut off the “Open for Partnerships” toggle in your account dashboard. Once you do that, your listing will still appear, which allows you to build your brand and visibility online, however you will not appear as interested in partnerships.

What should I do to prepare to build my ecosystem?

As you build new connections, it is important that you know what you would like to gain and what you can offer. Some members are looking for a cost-effective consolidation of services like digital advertising, online trade show exposure and jobs and RFPs all in one place, while others are primarily focused on branding and networking.

I’ve tried to get partnerships up and running in the past without success. How can Energy Partner Network help make it happen this time around?

The game changer with Energy Partner Network is that members here are willing to make an investment in exposure and access to other members like you. This level of commitment ensures at the very least that you’re pitching ideas to companies with mutual interests. When you get or receive unsolicited partnership requests, often they are misaligned or untimely. The Energy Partner Network platform helps take the guesswork out of partnering up and provides tools to get you to the next critical steps (a meeting or conversation).

I have a page on my website for partnerships and I rarely get any requests. Why will this be different?

Energy Partner Network strives to take the guesswork out of the equation for you. Companies can flag their profile as “Open for Partnerships” and further specify what types of partnerships they’re interested in. Your website might not index well in online searches or other companies might not know you exist. So it could be that your website is hard to find, and potential partners are not online looking for you. There are thousands of clean energy companies in the world, so partnerships are difficult to make without a platform designed to facilitate connections.

How is Energy Partner Network different than other directory websites?

Energy Partner Network is much more than a directory website. We are the premier branding and communication platform for the entire energy ecosystem. There are several traditional directories available online; however, they are generally location driven. B2C (business to consumer) directories focus on location and reviews. The digital ecosystem is not limited by geography and we do not allow reviews. Energy Partner Network is a social site for B2B (business to business) members. We exist to connect companies to one another so they can gain velocity in the journey toward carbon reduction. Several features of our site are trademarked, registered and/or patent pending.

How is Energy Partner Network different than other sites designed to link people together?

We are focused solely on clean energy and have taken pride in assembling companies and related service providers that can help the industry move forward with greater efficiency. We are not designed like a social media site with a “wall” of comments. We are focused on providing a toolset to connect the industry and fill gaps in businesses with necessary resources. We are also not focused on partners meeting in person. We have created a platform where learning, connecting, and conversing can occur conveniently in one place online.

How do I get the most out of my membership?

STEP 1 – Accuracy. List your company in every category that represents your business’s products, services and capabilities. If you don’t appear in all of the relevant categories, you could miss out on relevant opportunities. Conversely, appearing in the wrong categories can misrepresent your business.

STEP 2 – Responsiveness. As you build your ecosystem, remember that you only get one chance to make a first impression. If an introduction request is not of interest to you, be courteous and respond. If you’re not ready to make partnership connections yet, then respond “no” to the question about being open for partnerships.

STEP 3 – Housekeeping. Put your best foot forward and ensure that your website and profile listing are up to date. If you’ve recently released a new product or service or have other exciting news, announce it. Regularly update your photos or videos, too.

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